‘Warum fühlen sich Follow-Up-Mails so demütigend an?

„I'll get back to you...“, „Just wanted to follow up...“, and so on It's difficult to find phrases that don't sound b...

I studied at the age of 21 and now earn 154,000 €.

In our series Salary Stories, women with many years of professional experience give us open insights into the most in...

What happened when I disregarded my boundaries at work

How do you set healthy boundaries at work without jeopardizing your career?

Ich bin 27, habe auf das Studium verzichtet und verdiene heute 88.000 €.

After completing my high school diploma with average grades, I decided that university was not for me.

Full mailbox after vacation? How to deal with it

We have a big problem respecting other people's boundaries at work.

Women’s World Cup 2023 How much less the players earn than the men

Under the unfair payment of the players, those who are only part-time football players suffer the most.

Ich liebe meinen Job, aber das Gehalt ist ein Witz – was kann ich tun?

Es ist frustrierend, dass ich in meiner Branche voraussichtlich ewig unterbezahlt sein werde. Wie kann ich trotzdem d...